July 27, 2024

10 Ways We Get More Deals Done for Our Clients

What if your broker could help you get more deals done?

We love doing deals. Here are ten ways we get more deals done for our clients:

1. We dig deep into tight markets to find off market deals for our clients, which enables us to deliver deals their competitors don’t have access to.

2. We use tools that automate our follow up process to ensure all of our deals are being pushed forward at all times. This enables us to keep our clients top of mind for Landlord's and their brokers.

3. We implement data into our process so our clients have a deep understanding of the analytics of a site to ensure it is going to be a strong store for them.

4. We are always seeking new tools, data, softwares, etc. that help us gain an edge for our clients.

5. We work outwork our peers so you can out position and outgrow yours.

6. We own commercial real estate which gives us an in depth understanding of Leasing and how certain clauses can help or hurt a tenant, how to negotiate said clauses, and how to deliver max Tenant concessions while still giving Landlords things they need to get deals done.

7. We have multiple team members on each deal which increases our efficiency and decreases our chances of error because we have multiple sets of eyes on everything.

8. We are strategic in our approach and are always thinking multiple steps ahead in negotiations in order to achieve ideal outcomes for our clients.

9. We operate with unparalleled persistence which has brought many deals back from the dead for our clients that wouldn’t have happened if we gave up.

10. We truly love what we do and enjoy the grind day in and day out. Often times we become friends with our clients therefore our work never feels like work.

As a reminder we help tenants with 10-100 locations with site selection services. If we could ever be of help in any way please feel free to reach out at ap@trueequityg.com or (512) 216-5495.
Alex Provost
Managing Principal at TEG Tenant Rep

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